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Our impact

Kalmar’s business impacts people in all parts of the value chain: the company’s employees, suppliers’ employees, and operators of the company’s equipment, who are typically customers’ employees. As stated in our Code of Conduct, we are committed to respecting the human rights of everyone in our operations and value chain.

Kalmar’s current human rights risks related to its own workforce are managed with policies, processes and follow-up tools related to safety and human resources. The company's most significant human rights risks exist in the supply chain due to its complexity and global reach. We have strict requirements for our suppliers and other business partners on topics such as health and safety and the prohibition of forced labour. Kalmar’s supplier approval process follows a risk-based approach, in which new suppliers must meet pre-requirements and pass an audit conducted by Kalmar. Simultaneously, it is important to understand where the company can enhance its positive impacts on human rights.


Our targets and progress

Kalmar’s human rights work was initialised as a part of Cargotec’s human rights due diligence, in which the first step was to conduct a human rights impact assessment to identify negative impacts on people in the value chain. The assessment was finalised in 2023, but due to the separation of Kalmar, the human rights impact assessment will need to be re-conducted for the future stand-alone company. Going forward, the plan is to conduct comprehensive human rights due diligence at Kalmar that focuses on identifying, preventing, mitigating and remedying any adverse human rights impacts that the company may have.

  • Our target for 2024 is to reach a completion rate of 100% for human rights training, as part of our Code of Conduct training.


The Norwegian Transparency Act

The Norwegian Transparency Act became effective on 1 July 2022. According to this law, companies are required to:

  • Establish and carry out a human rights due diligence process in their own business operations and value chain;

  • Publicly disclose information about their due diligence process, including steps taken and impacts identified. 

  • Be responsive to requests for information from the general public regarding how they address actual or potential human rights issues within their organisation and supply chain.

To learn more about the due diligence process of our Norwegian subsidiaries, see the respective file.

If you want to submit an official request for information in accordance with the requirements of the Transparency Act, please use the contact details provided below.