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Rock-solid choice times ten: Finnish heavy equipment service opts for Kalmar forklifts again

Rock-solid choice times ten: Finnish heavy equipment service opts for Kalmar forklifts again

In early June, Finnish heavy equipment provider Visuri & Paavola received its tenth Kalmar forklift truck. For over 15 years, the company has relied on Kalmar for durable, driver-friendly equipment and stellar support from dedicated professionals.

Visuri & Paavola handles forklift operations in the Port of Kalajoki, Finland, and at the nearby Junnikkala sawmill. At both sites, it’s essential to keep operations running at maximum efficiency while also ensuring the wellbeing and safety of drivers, which sets very high demands on equipment.

Visuri & Paavola’s forklifts need to perform with great stability and withstand harsh winter conditions. Top-notch safety features are required to minimize the risk of accidents, and cabins need to be ergonomic and adjustable for each driver.

A forklift that fits the driver

“With drivers working in three shifts, we absolutely need to make sure they are able to work comfortably. The forklift needs to fit the driver like a glove,” says Visuri & Paavola CEO Marko Paavola.

The latest forklift to meet their needs was the Kalmar DC150-12 Medium Forklift, delivered with a full range of options to ensure user comfort, safety and efficiency. With this new machine – the tenth Kalmar forklift – Visuri & Paavola is also testing the capabilities of the performance management tool Kalmar Insight for a real-time overview of cargo handling operations.

Full marks for support

While Visuri & Paavola has used Kalmar forklifts exclusively for over 15 years, for Paavola, the relationship with Kalmar stretches back even further, as does his satisfaction with the brand:

“I used to drive a Kalmar forklift myself when I was young, and I always thought it was a robust and reliable machine.”

The years have only strengthened his trust, as Kalmar forklifts have time and again proven their durability and reliability in demanding operations. 

“Considering the amount of work hours, our forklifts require very little maintenance. We are very satisfied with their mechanical durability,” Paavola adds.

Of course, problems do occur on occasion. Visuri & Paavola has the expertise to solve mechanical issues on its own, and with electrical problems, which happen a handful of times a year, it receives expert help from Kalmar.

Paavola considers Kalmar’s well-functioning maintenance service a critical factor in their successful forklift operations. He gives full marks to his company’s dedicated Kalmar technician, who provides the best possible support to minimize equipment downtime, either over the telephone or visiting on-site.

Keeping every promise

With such a history of success, Paavola is confident that Kalmar will remain the first choice for his company for years to come. And Kalmar is dedicated to keeping up the good work.

“Their trust in our equipment quality and support organization puts us in a position of strength. Our relationship is built on mutual trust, and they appreciate the fact that we stand behind every promise we make,” says Niko Toivo, Area Sales Manager at Kalmar.

Over the years, Visuri & Paavola has tendered for forklifts on several occasions but is yet to find a competitor to match the quality of Kalmar equipment and support.

“What could make me switch from Kalmar to another brand? It would really take some kind of miracle machine,” Paavola laughs.

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