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Kalmar launches new MyKalmar platform for improved digital customer services

Kalmar launches new MyKalmar platform for improved digital customer services

MyKalmar gives more transparency and control to customers, helping them boost performance, safety and efficiency.

The MyKalmar platform is the new home for Kalmar’s digital services. Available on 1 November 2021, it is the single point of access for Kalmar customers to oversee their Kalmar fleets.

“This is part of our philosophy to support our customers with digital solutions,” says Thomas Malmborg, Senior Vice President of Kalmar Mobile Solutions Services “We work to find the exact solution that suits them and best fits their needs. Kalmars overall goal is to help customers increase productivity, improve safety and lower their CO2 footprint; digitalisation and transparency are key enablers to achieve this - which is exactly what MyKalmar is all about.” 

Flexibility and transparency for exactly what customers need

“MyKalmar is a user-friendly customer portal where customers can benefit from greater transparency and control over their maintenance activities, parts ordering and equipment performance - helping them improve their operational performance, safety and efficiency across their entire fleet,” says Laura Hokkanen, Service Business Design Manager and MyKalmar project manager.

Hokkanen has overseen the platform’s development from pilot to launch. During the development process she listened carefully to customers to understand precisely what they currently need as well as what they would like to see in the future. Hokkanen says that MyKalmar is a combination of previous services – such as MyParts and Kalmar Insight – but also contains new services and is a launch pad for further development. 

Modern services which add value

MyKalmar was developed to help customers improve performance, safety and efficiency by providing modern services which add value. Some of the functionalities include:

  • Single point of access for Kalmar digital services.
  • Improved visibility and transparency of information and access to it.
  • Complete list of customer’s registered Kalmar equipment.
  • Equipment contract information.
  • Parts ordering, order tracking and order history.
  • Data from the connected fleet
  • Planning maintenance activities by Kalmar.
  • Case management generation and tracking for automation support customers.
  • Capacity to manage team access to digital services.

Launchpad for the future

One of the greatest benefits of MyKalmar is that new services can be built on it. It is continually being developed to better serve Kalmar’s customers.

“The future is very exciting when it comes to our digital solutions and the opportunities it will open up for customers and the industry. However, one very important thing for us is that the experience of working with Kalmar's digital solutions is simple, creates value and generates proactive insights. MyKalmar is a shining example of just that,” says Magdalena Wojtowicz, Senior Vice President of Kalmar Automation Solutions Services

If you would like to learn more about how MyKalmar can benefit your business, please visit mykalmar.com.

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