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Kalmar is making Movember count

Kalmar is making Movember count

Our industry is often seen as very masculine one. Even if we loved to see more females in cargo handling business, for example at Kalmar 84% of all employees are male. This means that we are well positioned to raise awareness about an important topic.

This November will be a Movember for Kalmar. The purpose of Movember is to raise awareness of men's health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, depression and men's suicide. By growing a mustache men can show their support for the campaign. Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer type in men.

“Together with Kalmar Leadership Team we give our full support for this important campaign by acting as ambassadors especially on social media. I feel that it’s important to raise awareness about the topic in overall, but I also have a personal reason. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Luckily we caught the disease very early on and the treatments have been effective. I’ve been able to continue working the whole time and basically have not even felt ill during the whole ordeal. I have been able to continue living as before.” says Antti Kaunonen, President, Kalmar.

“As it is such a common cancer and the initial symptoms are hard to notice, I feel it is very important to talk about the importance of regular checkups. The older you get, the more probable the disease is. So I encourage everybody to go and test yourself regularly if there is the slightest doubt. The earlier on you are diagnosed and treated, the better the odds are of beating the bugger! If even just one Bro can be saved by raising awareness with a campaign like this, it is worth doing“, says Antti Kaunonen, President, Kalmar.


“Prostate cancer is one of the topics actively investigated in Turku over the years. Several important findings regarding molecular mechanisms, genetics, imaging and clinical behavior have been made, and there is constant collaboration with companies developing new drugs. The ultimate goal is to develop tools to distinguish indolent cancers that do not require heavy treatments from aggressive ones, and develop more personalized and effective therapies for aggressive prostate cancers without sacrificing the quality of life. This funding will directly support prostate cancer research in Turku”, says Maria Sundvall, MD PhD, Clinical Oncologistand the Chairman of Turku Cancer Research Society.  

With the Movember campaign Kalmar donates 10,000€ for Turku Cancer Research Society to support the research of the prostate cancer.

“And one more thing: Our next campaign in early 2019 will concentrate to support and raise awareness about women’s health issues”, Kaunonen promises.

Kalmar wants to challenge everyone to join the campaign. Grow a Mo, save a Bro!  

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